Monday, February 5, 2024

The Modulation bar's new Targets pane now supports editing, but only to a limited extent, and here's why

The latest version of Polymeter adds an optional Target pane in the Modulations bar. This new pane also supports editing of the targets, to a limited extent. The table below shows which types of editing the Target pane supports.

Change type or targetYes
Insert GroupYes
Drag ReorderNo

Astute readers will notice that Delete is supported, but not Insert. This is most unusual and deserves some explanation. Also, Insert Group is supported, but not Insert. What is so special about Insert?

Let’s start by clarifying the semantics of the Insert command. The essence of this command is that it inserts something empty. For example, in a spreadsheet, the command typically inserts an empty row or column. In a text document, the command might insert a blank line. The idea is that Insert creates space for something, the contents of which will be specified later.

In the Modulation bar’s Source pane, the Insert command has the expected behavior. It inserts a modulation with the source track set to none. This means that the modulation does nothing, because it’s not connecting anything yet. In other words, the Insert command effectively inserts an empty modulation. Space is allocated for a new modulation, but further action is required to make the modulation functional. The user must select a source track other than none, and may optionally also change the modulation type.

Another important piece of background is that Polymeter’s data architecture is asymmetrical with respect to modulations. A track contains a list of the tracks that modulate it, but conversely, a track does not contain a list of the tracks it modulates. In the language of signal processing, a track maintains a list of its sources, but not its sinks. Sink here is synonymous with target. The reason for this is that the sequencer only ever needs to know which source tracks are modulating the track it’s working on. It doesn’t care about targets.

If we think of modulations as a tree-like hierarchical network, we can say that the sequencer traverses that network in only one direction, from the root towards the leaves. Because the sequencer never needs to work backwards from leaves towards the root, it can get away with keeping track of sources but not sinks. This data structure is known as singly-linked, versus doubly-linked, and it greatly simplifies the architecture. It also speeds performance, and avoids many bugs that can arise from so-called double bookkeeping. A modulation consists of one and only one element within a track, so there’s no ambiguity: it either exists, or it doesn’t.

With all that in mind, we return to the mysterious absence of the Insert command from the Modulation bar’s Target pane. Let’s consider an example. We have two tracks, called A and B, and we want A to modulate B. In other words, A is the source and B is the target. One could imagine adding this modulation to A, but as explained above, that’s impossible, because a track doesn’t list its targets; instead, it lists its sources. Our intention must be reversed: a modulator must be added to track B, referencing track A as its source. Track A is not edited at all. The target track is edited, not the source track. (see illustration)

Now try to imagine the following hypothetical situation, in which the Target pane does support Insert. We select a track, because we want it to target another track, but we don’t know which track it’s supposed to target yet. So we’re adding an empty modulation. In the Target pane, we select Insert. As we observed above, our selected track (the source) will not be modified. Instead, the target track must be modified. But since the target hasn’t been specified yet, where shall we put the empty modulation? The answer is: nowhere. We can’t insert an empty modulation in the Target pane because there’s nowhere to put it, and this is why the Target pane doesn’t support the Insert command. In order to insert a modulation in the Target pane, we need to know what the target is beforehand. That’s why Insert Group is supported: before inserting anything, it displays a modal dialog prompting the user to select the target track(s).

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