Sunday, July 22, 2018

Version 0.0.11 adds Live view functionality including per-part progress bars.

Version 0.0.11 adds functionality to the Live view, including per-part progress bars. The purpose of the bars is to indicate your current position within each part. This is problematic because a part can (and often does) consist of multiple tracks, each of which may have a different loop length. A progress bar requires a single length, so it shows the current position in the part's longest track. It's simple and consistent and much better than flying blind.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Polymeter 0.0.09 adds live performance view, inter-track modulation; port nearly complete

Polymeter 0.0.09 adds a live performance view, along with the ability to group tracks into parts, in order to simplify the interface. With this addition, the port is mostly complete. All of the three separate DOS programs that comprised the original software are now combined into a single Windows application: Bongo became Track view, Stencil became Song view, and Jock became Live view.

Polymeter 0.0.09 also adds inter-track modulation, an essential feature that allows a track in one meter to mute and unmute one or more tracks in other meters. Unlike the original software, which only supported mute modulation, the new sofware also supports note, velocity, and duration modulation. In note modulation, one track offsets another track's note values; velocity and duration modulation work similarly.

Polymeter 0.0.08 added presets, which let you save and restore the state of all the track mutes. This is very helpful for transitioning seamlessly between the sections of a song during a live performance.
The software is now hosted at both SourceForge AND GitHub.

Heptatonic scales with a minor third

Which heptatonic scales consist entirely of semitones, whole tones, and a single minor third, without having two semitones in a row? The he...